“A spirit in my feet said ‘Go'; and I went.” — Mathew Brady
We created Photo Educate to provide a platform to discover the best places to further your knowledge and craft as a photographer. Here you will find a supportive and spirited community built around a passion for photography and photographic education in all forms.
To help you learn and grow and to inspire your photographic dreams, we have assembled some of the world’s leading voices in photography and photo education to share their insights and experiences to help you become the photographer you want to be.
We believe in photography education as the best investment for photographers to push their limits and see how far their passions will take them. We also know that a photography workshop can change your life, because it changed ours.
Discovering Photography Workshops
Photography workshops can be exhilarating as you wade into uncharted waters, taking chances, making mistakes and learning from them. Workshops can build your confidence, give you direction and help you refine or even find your visual voice.
Come back to this space often for content that complements your learning experiences and moves you forward to becoming the photographer you know you can be.
Steve Simon @stevesimon thepassionatephotographer.com
Recommended Resources
- We’ve teamed up with Photo Shelter to bring you The Ultimate Guide to Photography Workshops: Tips & Inspiration to Boost Your Workshop Experience (free eBook). Use this guide to discover the power of photo workshops to build your confidence, provide direction and refine your visual voice.
- Browse all Photography Workshops listed on Photo Educate
- If you're a photographer or photography educator, we will be adding the possibility of listing your workshop with us to reach thousands of passionate photo workshop enthusiasts. View the List Your Workshop page for further information about listing your workshop on Photo Educate
- Contact us anytime and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have
- Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram